
Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto 9/9/08 0 comments for Manado hotels
Makasar PDF Print E-mail

Makassar, the capital of south sulawesi is home to Makassar and Bugis sailor, infamous for their fiercesome attack on European traders in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Famed for their seafaring culture, the Bugis are still the driving force in the world;s last commercial sailing fleets. Centuries ago Bugis vessels sailed as fas as Australia, leaving behind drawings of their ships on stones and words which have since been integrated into the Aboriginals language. The seafaring Bugis dominate the southern tip of Sulawesi,

Makassar Custom and Traditions

Population in this city around 1.3 million people with innumerable ethnic groups live there. The major ones is Bugis. So no surprise that Bugis's language is frequently used as the every day's language in this city. Although Makassar is now often written with Roman Alphabethit is still widely written in its own distinctive script, also called Lontar which once was used also to write important documents in Bugis language.

Makassar Music and Dance

Pakarena Dance

is a dance that used to be held in planting and harvesting ceremonies. There are two kinds of Pakarena dances, The Pakarena Bura'ne danced by twelve men and the Pakarena Baine, danced by twelve women.
The dancers are boys or girls from nine to fourteen years old who sing while they dance. The Pakarena Burane costome consist of long black trousers, a sarong worn as skirt, a sparkling head dress and a handkerchief hanging down thw waist, with the upper part of the body uncovered . The Pakarena Baine costume consist of sarong and baju trawang (transparent shirt) and each dancer has a fan in her hand.

Pepe-Pepeka Ri Makka Dance

is came from Paropo village. This is a traditional dance which grow popular in the suburb of Makassar. The song lyrics are the mantra adopted into Makassar local language from Prophet Abraham prayer in Arabic. The mantra serves as the opening song. The most interesting part of the dance is when the dancers literally lit themselves with fire. The folklore has three parts, the first is the traditional orchestra performance "Orkes Tariolo' with instrument such as violin, drums, gong and rebana. This is the opening welcome for the guest. The second of the performance is the story telling, Kondo Buleng theatre. The main story is about a giant human bird.

Galaganjur Dance

Originally came from Kodingareng Island. The dance is ussually performed during the ceremony in the fishermen village to celebrate the fishing season and during the fullmoon.

Gandran Bulo Dance

Sound of Bamboo dance is a folk dance to celebrate the harvest season and welcome the guests with joy, happiness and humor for the abundance of harvest

Paraga Dance

The dance game originally came from Gowa and Takalar regency, during the era of King Museng in the 17th century. It is performed by the youths playing takraw ball game to solicit the young girls who also attend the celebration during the harvest, circumcision and wedding.

Makassar Arts & Home Industry

The traditional silk weaving villagers who make silk Sarong (The Buginese Skirt) can be found in Senkang (198 km north of Makassar. This is the capital town of Wajo regency is well known for its silk weaving and the center of Bugis silk.Another fame arts craft is Golden and Silver handicraft.
In Somba Opu you can found the superb craftmanship and reasonable prices of the glittering gold jewelry heaven for people who love it. Also look out for the lovely filigree silver jewelery and beautiful crafted models of pinisi, becaks and various other icon of Sulawesi life, all at reasonable prices.

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