
Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto 9/9/08 0 comments for Manado hotels
Toraja PDF Print E-mail

North of Makassar Sulawesi, through ruggeed and remarkable country is Tana Toraja, often offered to as the "land of the heavenly Kings" whose unique culture rivals any in archipellago.

A belief that their forefarther descended from heaven onto a mountain some twenty generations ago, the ' Torajas have a unique culture base on strong animistic beliefs. They practise and ancestor cult where death and after-life ceremonies are great feasts. A strict hierarchy is followed in the villages and for important figue, burial ceremonies for example, can take days to perform.

Buffaloes are ceremonially sacrificed and the deceased's remains placed in a coffin and interred in caves hollowed out in high cliffs. The mouth of the cave is guarded by lifelike statues, who diligently look out from balcony at the family and friends they have left behind.

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