Sulawesi sheen Spend Rp 0.5 Billion
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"These funds should be maximized by holding events that attract tourists," said Governor of Central Sulawesi in Palu Paliudju HB, Saturday (26/06/2010).
Governor said the fund will come from the help of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, which had been budgeted for these activities each year.
According to him, the pageant sheen Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, V is very beneficial to promote the tourism potential of all owned, such as the Beach of Cape Coral, Lake Poso, and Togean Islands.
"The potential of tourism in Central Sulawesi is not inferior to other areas so that we must aggressively promote it," said Governor Pailudju.
Previously, Director of Domestic Campaigns Kemenbudpar Fatkhul Bahri said his company tried to develop all the potential tourist attractions in each province in Indonesia.
"We always support the desire of each area if they want to develop tourism because there are funds for it," he said.
Sulawesi sheen V followed by six provinces, 25 districts, and 35 SME entrepreneurs who are ready to enliven the event, which was held in the field, the mayor of Palu.
Sulawesi sheen conducts various activities such as competitions or performing arts and culture, and exhibition of all the potential tourist and natural resources that exist in Sulawesi.
Judul: Sulawesi sheen Spend Rp 0.5 Billion
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