Sahid Kawanua Manado
comments for Manado hotels

Sahid Kawanua Hotel
Offering you a convenient accommodation and modern facilities for business and leisure, Sahid Kawanua Hotel is an ideal place to reside.
Location The Sahid Kawanua hotel is located in the heart of city, just 5 minutes to the beach, 45 minutes from Sam Ratulangi, International Airport and close to the business centre.
RoomsAll rooms are tastefully decorated and furnished with a host of contemporary amenities, which ensures a comfortable and pleasant stay. In addition, this hotel offers attentive 24-hour room service, for your convenience.
RestaurantYou can dine at Cakalang Restaurant, which serves delicious international cuisine, for you to feast on.
GeneralThe hotel has a fully serviced function room, which is ideal for meetings, exhibitions, conventions, and special events. This property features a lobby, which is the prefect place to spend some relaxing moment or meet friends. If you prefer to enjoy a swim, then take a refreshing dip in the onsite swimming pool.
Location The Sahid Kawanua hotel is located in the heart of city, just 5 minutes to the beach, 45 minutes from Sam Ratulangi, International Airport and close to the business centre.
RoomsAll rooms are tastefully decorated and furnished with a host of contemporary amenities, which ensures a comfortable and pleasant stay. In addition, this hotel offers attentive 24-hour room service, for your convenience.
RestaurantYou can dine at Cakalang Restaurant, which serves delicious international cuisine, for you to feast on.
GeneralThe hotel has a fully serviced function room, which is ideal for meetings, exhibitions, conventions, and special events. This property features a lobby, which is the prefect place to spend some relaxing moment or meet friends. If you prefer to enjoy a swim, then take a refreshing dip in the onsite swimming pool.
Ditulis oleh Lambang Insiwarifianto
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Ditulis oleh Lambang Insiwarifianto
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Sahid Kawanua Manado